Friday, January 9, 2009

holding/letting go

When I'm feeling creative everything is bigger, brighter, more wonderful. The sky is a more particular blue, the must of the earth lingers in my nostrils, the fat man on the tram stinks more and a womans sweat smells irresistible.

It's a little like the first throes of passion when falling in love. The thing is to embrace this heightened state of sensing the world without what Buddhism refers to as grasping. It's a bit like the thing you see out of the corner of your eye, yet when you look directly at it, it's gone.

At first it's fairly simple, I just let myself be carried by the muse, just as it's simple to fall in love. As I wish to refine the direction, strengthen the relationship, build on the inspiration, it's easy to grasp or just let go.

The trick is to walk the cliff's edge, neither clinging to the precipice or throwing myself into the abyss. Just being at one with the feeling of continual adjustment and near calamity.

common sense would urge
caution to avoid a fall/
plunge in?
do both and neither in unison


1 comment:

  1. it's true.. sometimes things just 'write itself'... in all aspects of life, really. but, not to say that you aren't in control, or don't have choice in the matter. that sense of everything bigger, brighter, when we indulge in creativity is something that should be held on to. a good reminder.
