last night
you were there
with me
whole, alive
fully formed
this morning I have
nothing but vague memory
tiny fragments
pulling currents of life from deep underground
last night
you were there
with me
whole, alive
fully formed
this morning I have
nothing but vague memory
tiny fragments
fault-slammedshaken freeof all foundationwashed awaysmashedsubmergednew lifeconsumed byspent duty
onceon each cheekby moon and suntwin blessingsopposed180 degreesconspiratorspropel meinto this day
chase glittering beautybe-jewelledbe-spangledbe-pinkeddodge the gaze ofmy reflected caterpillar
apparent motion
revealed asrandom lurchingspot of lightto glimmeringdistractionpunctuated withfrozendoubtstuck layers